Home » Bridging Gaps: Strengthening Governance for Peace in Mano River Recovery

Bridging Gaps: Strengthening Governance for Peace in Mano River Recovery

by Joshua Biem

The Mano River region of West Africa, encompassing Liberia, Sierra Leone, Côte d’Ivoire, and Guinea, has endured a tumultuous history marked by protracted civil wars, political instability, and socio-economic challenges. The civil conflicts in Liberia (1989–2003) and Sierra Leone (1991–2002) were particularly devastating, resulting in significant loss of life, displacement of populations, and the destruction of critical infrastructure. These conflicts had far-reaching consequences, extending beyond the tragic loss of human lives to include massive displacement of populations and the destruction of critical socio-economic infrastructure. Millions of individuals were uprooted from their homes, becoming either internally displaced persons (IDPs) or refugees seeking sanctuary in neighbouring countries such as Guinea, Côte d’Ivoire, and Ghana. The displacement crisis exacerbated regional instability, placing immense strain on host communities and overburdening fragile social and economic systems.

The Mano River region’s post-conflict recovery has been complex and uneven, hindered by governance deficits, weak institutions, corruption, and inadequate public services. This edition of the Nextier SPD Policy Weekly analyses these challenges and their impact on sustainable peace and development, offering actionable recommendations to address governance gaps, foster inclusivity, and promote lasting stability.

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