Nigeria’s Energy Transition Plan and the Power Sector

In 2022, Nigeria launched its Energy Transition Plan, aiming to achieve net-zero emissions by 2060. Focusing on major sectors like Power, Cooking, Oil and Gas, Transport, and Industry—accounting for 65% of the nation’s greenhouse gas emissions—it primarily targets the power sector, the largest contributor. The plan emphasizes shifting from fossil fuels (oil, coal, gas) to renewables like biomass, hydro, geothermal, wind, and solar. This transition is gaining momentum, altering the energy landscape and workforce dynamics. Investments are redirecting toward renewable energy, impacting conventional power labor markets. To ensure a reliable replacement for fossil fuels, careful decisions and adaptations are needed. The energy transition will also reshape industries like manufacturing, construction, agriculture, and power, demanding strategic responses to navigate this transformative upheaval and mitigate its economic impact. 

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