Nigeria Violent Conflict Bi-monthly Report

Gunmen attacks, banditry and farmer-herder conflicts characterised the months of May and June 2024. Across various regions, a spectrum of threats manifested, unravelling the fabric of stability and safety. In the months under review, gunmen attacks were commonplace in the country and were the most occurring violent conflict, with 60 incidents and 114 casualties. Banditry made second place with 59 incidents and 434 deaths. Farmer-herder conflict, though overshadowed by banditry and gunmen attacks, recorded 52 casualties from 16 incidents. An overview of the six regions revealed that the North Central region was the most affected region, with 50 incidents, while the least affected region was the South West, with 14 incidents.

This edition of the Nigeria Violent Conflict Bi-monthly report captured the country’s security situation between May and June 2024 from the lens of the most prevalent crisis types in the country.

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